
Let your community share your tokens via claim links

Develop and grow faster with ready-to-use P2P App to let your community share tokens through a claim link even to those who don’t have a crypto wallet yet.
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Build Stronger Communities with Linkdrop

Enable token sharing within your community by allowing members to connect to Linkdrop P2P and send / gift tokens with friends via simple claim links

Token details

Enter your token address below and click the button. A new window will open with your custom token. Copy and paste the URL to your website.
Generate a Claim Link

Send with Ease

Instead of requesting recipient's address and manually copying it to your wallet, simply connect to Linkdrop P2P App, choose token and amount, generate a Claim Link, and share it via email, messenger, or SMS

Try now

Receive even Easier

After receiving a Claim Link you open it in your crypto wallet and just hit claim button. That’s it! Your funds have been successfully claimed



Transparent pricing for every chain. Contact us if you need more chains support
ERC20Native TokensStablecoins
ArbitrumArbitrum logo0.0000333 ETH0.0000333 ETHSponsored (native USDC)
AvalancheAvalanche logo0.01 AVAX0.01 AVAXSponsored (native USDC)
BaseBase logo0.0000333 ETHSponsoredSponsored (native USDC)
DegenDegen logoSponsoredSponsoredSponsored
GnosisGnosis logo0.1 xDAI0.1 xDAI0.1 xDAI
PolygonPolygon logo 0.1 MATICSponsoredSponsored (native & bridged USDC)
OptimismOptimist logo0.0000333 ETH0.0000333 ETHSponsored (native & bridged USDC)
Major Companies Trust Linkdrop Widget and Integrate Them Into Their Products

How companies use Linkdrop Widget

Coinbase Wallet Integration

Our integration with Coinbase Wallet empowers users to seamlessly send ETH, USDC, and other tokens via text. Through Linkdrop, users can create and share claim links effortlessly, all without incurring any fees
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Zerion Extension Invitation Campaign

Collaboration between Linkdrop and Zerion, which led to the creation of an innovative NFT-based invitational system
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Ledger distributes NFTs with hardware wallets

Ledger combines hardware wallet packaging with Linkdrop scan-to-claim QR codes for smooth physical NFT redemption
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Doodles delivers Genesis Box NFTs via email

Linkdrop helps make NFT minting flow that accepts fiat payments possible
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Infinite Objects shares NFTs in email receipts

After each sale Infinite Objects sends the customer an email with a link to redeem the IO Membership NFT
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Frequently asked questions

Looking for bulk actions?

Easily create multiple claim links with tokens in bulk for your marketing campaigns with Linkdrop Dashboard